Cannot login to Docker Desktop as it wants me to be member of some organization. I want to remove that org requirement

I am stuck in a weird loop when trying to use Docker Desktop from my Mac. After I made a silly mistake of trying to install via command line and with extra param as below.

Once Installed with this command line, (Have re-installed different ways since)
• sudo /Volumes/Docker/ --accept-license --allowed-org=SomeOrgNameJustForTest
I just meant to test if something like that works butnow, when I try to start docker desktop, I get this window that says
“Sign in required!
Please sign in to continue using Docker Desktop. You must be a member of SomeOrgNameJustForTest.

It has two button “Close Application” and “Sign in”

Clicking on “Sign in” takes me to public docker hub and asks me to log in.
I created an account there and I can log-in fine if the login is not originated from the Docker desktop.
If it was originated from Docker desktop, then the public docker hub logs me in and then logs me out (I believe that is expected behavior). However, it sends me back to docker desktop and the process repeats in a cyclic manner.

I have repeated the following steps several times over now –
• Uninstall Docker Desktop.
• rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker
• rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Docker\ Desktop
• rm -rf ~/Library/Group\ Containers/
• rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/com.docker.docker.plist
• rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/Docker\ Desktop
• rm -rf ~/.docker
• Restart my Mac

I then start a fresh installation for Docker Desktop

  1. I have executed the install command without extra param, but to no avail.
  2. I have also tried installing by clicking on docker.dmg and then pulling it into Application Folder, again to no benefit

Also, I notice that trying to uninstall with command line gives an error as shown below. Please note that uninstall cmd does not provide any flags (I still tried -v, -a, -A, --all, -f, --force, just-in-case)

[MacOS] sudo Volumes/Docker/
Uninstalling Docker Desktop…
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x20 pc=0x10523fe54]

Ohh, Here are some details
MacOS Ventura Version 13.6.9 (22G830)
Docker Desktop Version:
Processor - 2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9

Have you tried checking /Library/Application Support/com.docker.docker for registry.json or desktop.plist?

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Hi - That was right on the dot. It solved my problem instantly. Thank you so much!

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