Docker-compose w/ image:tag pulls latest instead of tagged image

when I went back to look at the files, I found some didn’t have the v2.3.7 tag. This was an error on my part. Please close and disregard this post.

I’m trying to run a specific version of etcd and unless I pull the version before I run docker-compose, it will pull “latest”. This seems like a bug.

Here’s my docker-compose.yml file:

services :
version : '2’
services :

etcd :
image :
restart : always
container_name : etcd
network_mode : "bridge"
ports :
- “4001:4001”
- “2380:2380”
- "2379:2379"
volumes :
- /usr/share/ca-certificates/:/etc/ssl/certs
- /var/lib/etcd:/var/lib/etcd
entrypoint :
- /usr/local/bin/etcd
- -name
- etcd0
- -advertise-client-urls
- http://${IPx}:2379,http://${IPx}:4001
- -listen-client-urls
- -initial-advertise-peer-urls
- http://${IPx}:2380
- -listen-peer-urls
- -initial-cluster-token
- etcd-portworx-1
- -initial-cluster
- etcd0=http://${IP1}:2380,etcd1=http://${IP2}:2380,etcd2=http://${IP3}:2380
- -initial-cluster-state
- new