Docker desktop often crashed

Docker desktop often crashed when it only shows unable to connect to container. I had to kill the software and start it again and sometimes when that doesn’t work, I had to restart my PC.

It just shows “Error An error occurred while loading the containers list” with a retry button. When clicked, the button showed

Is there a log that I can refer to see what was going on? I went to AppData and ProgramData, both folders did not have log folder that I can refer to.

You can find the logs in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Docker\log\

You can also check the troubleshooting guide in the documentation for more info

Thanks, the next time this happened I will have a look at the logs.

Additional info as it happened again and again.


2025-01-19T18:03:09.374Z info 	[SSE] Disconnecting from /features/events
2025-01-19T18:03:09.374Z error 	Error: connect ENOENT \\.\pipe\dockerBackendApiServer
    at C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:8:102822
    at y (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:8:2196301)
    at m (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:8:2196233)
    at a._next (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:8:2172947)
    at (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:8:2145843)
    at p.t (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:8:2159935)
    at p.emit (node:events:519:28)
    at S (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:2:929537)
    at f (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:2:927095)
    at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:2:929426)
2025-01-19T18:03:09.374Z info 	[SSE] Disconnecting from /license/events
2025-01-19T18:03:09.374Z error 	Error: connect ENOENT \\.\pipe\dockerBackendApiServer
    at C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:8:102822
    at y (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:8:2196301)
    at m (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:8:2196233)
    at a._next (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:8:2172947)
    at (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:8:2145843)
    at p.t (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:8:2159935)
    at p.emit (node:events:519:28)
    at S (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:2:929537)
    at f (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:2:927095)
    at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\frontend\resources\app.asar\build\entry-cli.cjs:2:929426)
2025-01-19T18:03:09.374Z info 	[SSE] Disconnecting from /engine/events
2025-01-19T18:03:10.981Z info 	[IPC] dockerListContainers: {"all":true}
2025-01-19T18:03:10.996Z info 	[SSE] Connecting to /notify/messagebox/events
2025-01-19T18:03:10.997Z info 	[SSE] Disconnecting from /notify/messagebox/events
2025-01-19T18:03:12.983Z info 	[IPC] dockerListContainers: {"all":true}
2025-01-19T18:03:12.997Z info 	[SSE] Connecting to /notify/messagebox/events
2025-01-19T18:03:12.998Z info 	[SSE] Disconnecting from /notify/messagebox/events

Not sure what to look for. Appreciate if I can get some help.

I would suggest following the diagnostic steps described in the docs:

Note: It’s just a link to a section of the link @rimelek already shared.

Diagnostic ID F62AA3EC-BEF1-4A42-959F-E7B9BAB9837E/20250119220217. Or should I upload the log here?

This is a community driver forum, so we won’t be able to access the diagnostic data. Either Docker Desktop support, or you could raise an issue in this GitHub project and reference the Diagnostic ID there.

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