I m trying to learn about Docker.
To understand a bit more how it works, I tried the samples, and finally decided to create my own docker environnement. I m running on Windows 10, and I m building NodeJs application.
Actually, my working flow is all about TDD.
What I want to make is simply creating a container in which I can start my tests and eventually run my web server.
In my package.json, I have set two scripts, test and start. In test, I simply run my mocha tests, and in start, I run my tests, if it’s okay, I build my dist and run the server.
From now, I need a container that allows me to run my tests and start my server.
My first question is : can I have multiple command to start on a docker container ? For example, I don’t want to start my application any time I write a test. I simply need to launch my tests, and when I think my function is okay, I run the server and check that all is working.
My second question is that possible to keep only one dockerfile for dev and prod env ? So I can be iso on my server and locally.
My third question is : could I run the following dockerfile without rebuilding it when I add some code ? (I have read about volumes, but I don’t know how to make them work, and I need to have my codebase in my container, not outside)
Lastly, I was wondering how to manage git in this case ? Inside or outside the container ?
Here the only dockerfile I have written :
FROM node:4-onbuild
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
CMD [ "npm", "test" ]
Multiple question that I don’t find answers… Hope you can help me