Docker doesn't start [solved]

Expected behavior

Docker runner and accessible

Actual behavior

$ docker ps
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?


  • the output of:

    • pinata diagnose -u on OSX

    $ pinata diagnose -u
    Error docker ps: timeout after 10.00s
    Thread 6 killed on uncaught exception Misc.Failure
    Error docker ps: timeout after 10.00s
    Error exec: echo “00000003.0000f3a6” | nc -U /var/tmp/com.docker.vsock/connect > /tmp/20160422-083736/diagnostics.tar: exit
    zsh: command not found: OS

    • DockerDebugInfo.ps1 using Powershell on Windows
  • a reproducible case if this is a bug, Dockerfiles FTW

  • page URL if this is a docs issue or the name of a man page

  • host distribution and version ( OSX 10.10.x, OSX 10.11.x, Windows, etc )

OSX 10.11.4

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Install Docker beta
  2. Run it
  3. docker ps


Sorry, duplicate of Docker for Mac: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?

Problem solved, I had some hardcoded DOCKER_HOST env vars from an old install.