When I use the command : docker run -it dc_hello, which is my image docker builded. I receive the error message such as : exec /usr/local/bin/python: input/output error.
Bellow my files:
hello.py print("Ola, os proramadores Python")
FROM python:3
COPY . /app
CMD ["python", "hello.py"]
And which version of Docker Desktop? That error should not happen unless there is a bug In Docker Desktop or a Windows-specific behavior I don’t know about.
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The docker version is 4.28.0 (139021),
Engine: 25.0.3,
Compose: v2.24.6-desktop.1,
Credential Helper: v0.8.1,
Kubernetes: v1.29.1.
"Did I do the Docker Desktop installation incorrectly? Could you please indicate the steps to follow? Something seems amiss, but I can’t quite figure it out. Please help me.