$ docker info
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://ucplb-xxx.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com:443. Is the docker daemon running?
$ docker version
Version: 17.03.2-ce
API version: 1.27
Go version: go1.7.5
Git commit: f5ec1e2
Built: Tue Jun 27 03:35:14 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://ucplb-xxx.westeurope.cloudapp.azure.com:443. Is the docker daemon running?
Additional Information
Azure load balancer show ports open and VMs up and running.
I have tried to restart VM scale sets supporting the dockers.
Are you trying to connect to UCP and run services on cluster from your laptop or trying to ssh to the node to check container logs?
If you’d like to run services, you need to download ucp client bundle (admin->Profile->Client Bundle) and source the env.sh file
Hi ushetty,
I used to connect either ways but now i cannot acces any of them even to UCP management console!! In the other side, azure resources look fine.
I had the same issue in the past, and overcame the situation deploying docker through docker-cloud, using azure as a cloud provider. So i am able to manage the containers, images, etc. And the environment is always available. I know maybe you wanted to use just as a remote docker-machine instance, but putting docker-cloud in the middle saved me lots of headache. Hope that helps.
Hi jojuva,
I am facing the same issue when I try to ssh in to the swarm-manager-vmss scale set using the public IP
sh: connect to host XX.XXX.XX.XX port 50000: Connection refused
Could you please let me know if you were able to fix this.
Azure templates provides an option to redeploy the resources , this option will migrate all the resources deployed using a ARM template to a new Azure host. Do you think performing a redeploy will help in this case ?
I provisioned a new CE swarm cluster .
I was able to login using my ssh keys but i was logged out with in few minutes
swarm-manager000000:~$ docker node ls
gl10nhrov0jluhll4qmsai0n4 * swarm-manager000000 Ready Active Leader
rugg68ye14enag36fk87tozdr swarm-worker000001 Down Active
snbnij14zuvs7eabulln297md swarm-worker000000 Down Active
swarm-manager000000:~$ Connection to XX.XX.XX.XX closed by remote host.
Connection to XX.XX.XX.XX closed.
The fact that all your workers are down is suspicious. What is the state of the VMs in the swarm worker and manager VMSS in the Azure console? Are they up/running?
$ ssh -i /d/myPrivateKey_rsa -A -p 50000 docker@52.***.***.***
Welcome to Docker!
swarm-manager000000:~$ docker --version
Docker version 17.09.0-ce, build afdb6d4
swarm-manager000000:~$ docker ps
******** docker4x/l4controller-azure:17.09.0-ce-azure1 “loadbalancer run …” 14 minutes ago Up 14 minutes editions_controller
I was able to ‘fix’ this by deploying my swarm via docker cloud swarm beta using the latest edge release. Ssh is available after restart, though sometime it will say connection refused a few times, but it does eventually come back.