I am running Docker Desktop for Windows with ‘Use the WSL 2 engine’ and ‘Enable integration with my default WSL distro’ boxes checked.I run Windows 10 Pro version 2004 with a smaller SSD C drive for boot, and the integrated Ubuntu 20.04 instance has been exported to a larger D drive. Is the docker container images downloaded resided in the vhdx file in D drive or somewhere in the smaller C drive? I understand that docker image data are stored at a windows UNC path \wsl$\docker-desktop-data or /mnt/wsl/docker-desktop-data from bash, but what are the locations of those path? Is there a way to tell that my docker actually store data on my larger D drive?
I am all ears to this… if someone can explain or give more clarity into this.
Short answer: C:\%LocalAppData%\Docker\wsl\data\ext4.vhdx
for where docker stores the images cache on windows running wsl2. A related problem I have is related in that the vhdx file has grown to over 250GB and thus due to the WSL2 default is full. I can’t use wsl -d docker-data to shell into the instance and reconfigure it to be able to grow above 250GB.
Here’s a Useful summary on how to move the data volume with its links you should see more info.
For me wsl -l
shows three instances my choice of distro and two that wsl2 docker installed:
Ubuntu-18.04 (Default)
I would like to be able to configure HD all within the GUI and to integrate with windows built-in diskpart or optimize-vhd commandlets.