I made my very first post in order to ask you for help.
I am currently in the process of setting up a docker compose with an apache-php container with symfony / a mysql container / an elasticsearch container.
Everything is functional I manage to access my website etc. nevertheless the big problem is that I take 1 to 3 minutes to access my page correctly.
Could you help me I remain at your disposal to answer your questions.
Thank you in advance for your return.
I have never experienced such a slow connection. Can you tell more about your project structure?
- On what filesystem is your document root for Apache HTTPD? (Local NTFS, FAT, remote filesystem, a USB drive, etc…)
- Do you mount your sourcecode or any file from the host?
- Do you use Hyper-V or WSL 2 backend?
- Is the Apache HTTP server slow without using Elasticsearch?
- Is the Apache HTTP server slow when you try to access a static HTML file or an image?
Thank you for your reply.
To answer your questions.
My environment is under WSL2 with local NTFS file storage.
The Apache server is slow even without the Elasticsearch container.
The Apache server is slow in all loading cases.
I have the same problem as you, before in windows 11 with wsl, after in MAC and now in Linux, at the moment I did not find the reason, but I start thinking that it could be the Mysql container, in the next few days I will try to update mysql 5.7 to a mysql 8 image and will see what happens .
Thanks to @r0bertinski I realized I did not reply since last year. Could you solve it eventually? I should have written that reading your files from NTFS filesystem in WSL could be slow, although not that much. At least it is not likely.
Any luck? I am facing the same issue.