I just cannot push any image I created to hub.docker.com
Before you jump in :
I’m logged in (I’ve done a docker login
I have created the repos on the docker hub web portal
I’m pushing from a debian stretch arm64 machine
I’m using official docker-ce package, I tried differents versions :
- 5:19.03.0~1.3.beta3-0~debian-stretch
- 5:18.09.6~3-0~debian-stretch
- 18.06.3~ce~3-0~debian
Here is the results I’m getting for a push :
The push refers to repository [docker.io/sebt3/sqlpad]
3dd5a4798dcc: Pushing [> ] 1.073MB/65.39MB
537ad6ca255f: Layer already exists
9773c162e1d7: Layer already exists
6d626da635fc: Layer already exists
It hang there.
For an other image :
The push refers to repository [docker.io/sebt3/gogs]
e1dbf1a28aaa: Layer already exists
068db6d1e870: Pushing [===> ] 2.721MB/36.05MB
969735ce2c41: Pushing [==========> ] 2.998MB/13.95MB
8b30ec8308d7: Layer already exists
b9edfad9b01e: Pushing [====> ] 894.5kB/9.558MB
8c5b2a5e7ee9: Layer already exists
e7fca6e9fc07: Layer already exists
464741c7cd45: Pushing [=====> ] 3.509MB/33.18MB
8adcf639dd41: Pushed
6d626da635fc: Mounted from arm64v8/node
And it hang there too.
Each time I have to systemctl restart docker
before trying to push once again…
Any help would be welcome so I can upload all my arm64 images