The docker machine is created in virtualbox and appears to be fully loaded by looking at the Virtualbox Interface Preview, yet hangs indefinitely on ‘Starting Virtualbox VM’
C:>docker-machine create --driver virtualbox docker1
Creating CA: C:\Users…docker\machine\certs\ca.pem
Creating client certificate: C:\Users…docker\machine\certs\cert.pem
Image cache does not exist, creating it at C:\Users…docker\machine\cache…
No default boot2docker iso found locally, downloading the latest release…
Downloading to C:\Users…docker\machine\cache\boot2docker.iso…
Creating VirtualBox VM…
Creating SSH key…
Starting VirtualBox VM…
Starting VM…
If I kill this process, and run ‘docker-machine env docker1 --shell cmd’ I get an issue with the ca.pem - the file is not where docker-machine is looking for it.
C:>docker-machine env docker1 --shell cmd
open C:\Users…docker\machine\machines\docker1\ca.pem: The system cannot find the file specified.
I’ve fixed this issue before by removing all virtualbox machines, the .docker directory, and rebooting my box. But eventually after creating/removing machines I’ll eventually end back up in this state.