Docker Toolbox on Windows -- error during connect; connection attempt failed

I’m having some problem with running Docker commands. Trying to run docker info gives the error:

error during connect: Get dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

I’m using Docker Toolbox on Windows 10, since I have the Home edition of Windows.

And trying to run docker build -t mymachine:latest . gives the error:

error during connect: Post dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.

I have some other questions as well: How do I get an executable file and static assets into a Docker container using a Dockerfile, and how do I set environment variables on that Dockerfile? And the executable file I have also has an embedded web server, so I have to make sure it’s always running.

I was able to fix the connection problem by first starting up a Docker Machine, since that also started Docker. I still need an answer for the other stuff. I’ve also made other threads for that stuff (sorry about that).

Yes, it can help us I was fixed the connection problem by restart the docker machine. After it works very fine. Most of the time I got an error 0xc000000f it can help us to solve the technical error.

Saw this reply just now.

So with Docker Toolbox, you have to start up docker-machine first.

Speaking of, I wonder if we can’t get a version of Docker for Windows that supports Windows 10 Home edition? I know it doesn’t have Hyper-V (though my computer does meet all of the hardware requirements), but can we not have one that makes use of VirtualBox?