Docker Tutorial fails with WSL2

Hey Docker community,

I have installed Docker Desktop Edge with WSL2 as a backend and trying going through the tutorial, I just can’t get it to work. I have tried executing commands both through embedded nad windows terminal and following errors are popping up:

On build phase:

Cant embed 2 screenshots, the last message from error trace is: jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: .icons./svg

The image is not being built properly. When I try to run this command in windows powershell (or ubuntu shell, same thing happens) with “docker build -t docker101tutorial” I get:
“docker build” requires exactly 1 argument See docker build – help

What is going on ??

Here is the latter from error trace:

Also confirmation that docker has been installed properly:
(Sorry I can embed only 1 image to 1 post)

Thanks for reporting this. It looks like the dependencies recently changed to build the example. We’re working on a fix for the getting-started tutorial. You can follow this PR