Docker wont run if home path has spaces in it

Expected behavior

sudo mv /Users/FirstLast /Users/First\ Last
Update home folder location in user accounts, reboot.
Run Docker.

Actual behavior

Docker wont run until I move my home directory back to something without spaces. Docker does work if my home directory is something different than when I installed the OS, so I know it’s specifically because the escaped spaces in the path name.


  • the output of:
    • pinata diagnose -u on OSX
      Docker for Mac: version: mac-v1.12.0-beta16.2
      OS X: version 10.11.5 (build: 15F34)
      logs: /tmp/20160624-185928.tar.gz
      failure: com.docker.db is not running
      [ERROR] docker-cli
      docker ps failed
      [OK] app
      [OK] menubar
      [OK] virtualization
      [OK] system
      [OK] osxfs
      [ERROR] db
      Connection refused (ECONNREFUSED) connecting to /Users/First Last/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/s40: check if service is running
      com.docker.db is not running
      [OK] slirp
      [OK] moby-console
      [OK] logs
      [OK] vmnetd
      [OK] env
      [ERROR] moby
      /Users/First Last/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/console-ring does not exist
      [OK] driver.amd64-linux


Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Add Escaped Space in Home Path
  2. Try To Run Docker

Hi Erik,

Thanks for the report. I have opened issue #4346 in our tracker to ensure this gets resolved.

Thanks for participating in the Docker for Mac Beta!

Best regards,
