How can I download image microsoft/mssql-server-2014-express-windows, for example, and run container about this image?
For linux I did this “docker run ubunut /bin/echo hello, world!” and this command downloaded image and mount container relative image ubuntu. But how can I do this for windows?
I used the command “docker search windows” and “docker search microsoft”. I was very impressed with variety of the images relative for the windows
I am in ubuntu 16.04 LTS. This article explain how install powershell and prepare environment in windows to run docker.
I tried install base container images but I receive this output:
user@userd:~$ docker pull microsoft/nanoserver
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from microsoft/nanoserver
cf62dbf6d334: Downloading
unknown blob
I used docker search nanoserver, but I can’t install base container with another result of this list (I didn’t try with all option, off course
microsoft/nanoserver Nano Server base OS image for Windows cont... 26
tirexx/nanoserver Nano Server base OS image for Windows cont... 0
adikurniawan94/nanoserver 0
laoshancun/nanoserver 0
radarvector/nanoserver 0
jovanstojanov/nanoserver 0
sixeyed/nanoserver-helloworld Basic sample container using Windows Nano ... 0
michaeltlombardi/nanoserveropenjdk Microsoft Windows Nano Server with OpenJDK. 0
Hooo, maybe this is a fist obstacle I found on docker. Because I used the vagrant, and, (maybe I am wrong, but…) in vagrant it is possible use box with windows system on environment linux.
This time I can’t tested environment windows on my linux. But thanks your reply
Hi Michael, is that means we need to install docker on windows server to run windows images. From linux it is not possible. is that correct my understanding? Thank you.