Error: request returned Internal Server Error for API route and version


my docker “crashes” with the error: request returned Internal Server Error for API route and version ***** check if the server supports the requested API version

for all microservices im running in my docker-compose. This happens constantly, i might get my services up and running for a few min as longest. so i need to restart docker desktop alot.

Im running 2 docker-compose.yml files:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up --build

the dev.yml file basically just override so it runs my services locally.

Mac OS: 14.4 (23E214)
Docker desktop: 4.28.0

Version: 25.0.3
API version: 1.44 (minimum version 1.24)
Go version: go1.21.6
Git commit: f417435
Built: Tue Feb 6 21:14:22 2024
OS/Arch: linux/arm64
Experimental: false

Hello, I’m seeing the same problem on my Windows 10 with Docker Desktop 4.28.

I just recently ran docker-compose up -d without a problem, but today it keeps failing with the same error you’ve mentioned.

Just hit the same issue.
Potentially the docker engine crashed.
Restarting fixed the problem for me.
as per Docker Error when Pulling Due to API Version - Stack Overflow

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Same issue on Windows today. Restarting the Docker engine worked for me.

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Restarting Docker Engine works for me