I'm getting Builder Error in Windows Desktop App

Builder error:
request returned Internal Server Error for API route and version http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2FdockerDesktopWindowsEngine/_ping, check if the server supports the requested API version

I have this same error, after updating to docker desktop 4.26.0. I have tried prune on everything, resetting to factory defaults, and even an uninstall, re-install of 4.26.0.

I am now attempting to uninstall 4.26.0 and going back to older version. Will post how it goes.

Hi, I also have this error but for linux builder. Is degrading work for you? Or have you found any promising approach?

I’m got the same error, and I’ve also tried everything, resetting to factory defaults, reinstalling several times…

But I don’t know what to do and try anymore!!

I am facing issue. If anyone have solution please let me know.