Executing autoreconf on mounted host directory from container generates out of memory

I’m running an Ubuntu Docker container on an OS X host.
From within the container I want to run

autoreconf --force --install

on a source code tree.
I would like the source code tree to remain in the host and as such I mounted it as a directory in the container (with option -v to docker run command). However when I execute autoreconf under these conditions it takes a lot of time and ends up reporting “Out of memory”

If I simply copy the source code tree into the container it works as expected.

Is there any option I can give to docker run to solve this?

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I am having exactly the same issue. Actually, I was able to run autoreconf once successfully. Subsequent attempts after doing a git clean -fdx in my repo (within the container, on the mounted volume) now yields this weird recursive issue…and autoreconf runs out of memory.

This should be fixed in the recently released Beta 28. If the problem persists, please file an issue at https://github.com/docker/for-mac/issues

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I would love to obtain a copy of Beta 28 but it is not published anywhere it seems. How can I get access? Thanks.

It should be available from https://download.docker.com/mac/beta/Docker.dmg.

Ah great, thank you.