"file integrity checksum failed" on docker save

$ docker save 1234567890ab > /tmp/my-image.tar
fails with
Error response from daemon: file integrity checksum failed for "var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin"
OS: Oracle Enterprise Linux 7.2
Docker: Docker version 1.9.1, build ab77bde/1.9.1
What could this be? It only happens on some (at least one) Docker image. No matter if the Image is used in a Container or not. THere are several images without this problem. It happens to the image even after removing the image (docker rmi) and rebuilding it from the Dockerfile. The same Dockerfile can be build and saved without problems on Ubuntu 16.04 or Oracle Linux 6.x
The image build son top of FROM ubuntu:trusty

How can I find out what causes the problem?

im also having this problem, but with wildfly

Did you get anywhere with this? I have the same error, always on the same layer. driving me nuts. Actually mine is on a push, not a save.

file integrity checksum failed for "Files/Windows/System32/catroot2/edbres00001.jrs"

This is a Windows container, but the error is the same as yours.

Similar problem with docker save in Windows 2016.
Any help is highly appreciated.

PS C:\Windows\system32> docker save -o c:\newimages thompsop/iis-windowsservercore
Error response from daemon: file integrity checksum failed for “UtilityVM/Files/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/BCD”

Sincere Regards,

Ran into exactly the same problem on Windows 2016 when saving a windows container, any idea how to fix?

PS C:\windows\system32> docker save 3a703c6e97a2 -o c:\nanoserver.tar
Error response from daemon: file integrity checksum failed for “UtilityVM/Files/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/BCD”

I have also run into the same issue saving 2016 Server Core… can some one respond why and how to fix this?

any updates? having similar problem on Ubuntu:

docker save 965c0efa148c -o obiee.tar

Error response from daemon: file integrity checksum failed for “etc/yum.conf”

docker version

Version: 1.12.1
API version: 1.24
Go version: go1.6.3
Git commit: 23cf638
Built: Thu Aug 18 05:22:43 2016
OS/Arch: linux/amd64

Version: 1.12.1
API version: 1.24
Go version: go1.6.3
Git commit: 23cf638
Built: Thu Aug 18 05:22:43 2016
OS/Arch: linux/amd64

update… turns out the file aufs/diff/cadabbfe5bdb4d82bc42fd2c4b461d340f77d97ef0fb70f187315acd773728e9/etc/yum.conf had been edited, i restored the file to pre-edit and got past this issue.


I had something similar. Mine was with “docker push”. I increased memory allocation for Docker engine in Docker settings > Advanced (Docker for Windows), which fixed the issue.


I used the command as follows
docker save microsoft/iis:nanoserver -o c:/iis.tar
and the powershell is running as administrator and it is saved in the place I gave ,
but when I wrote the command with out the c:/
docker save microsoft/iis:nanoserver -o iis.tar
the file saved @ c:/windows/systes32