Harbor SSL installation

I have installed harbor (onpremis) with ssl certificates with port 8443 and domain name harbor.xyz.in.Given the hostname and port in harbor.yml and ran the prepare script and docker compose down and up.When i connect VPN ,the harbor url is accessible at and i am able to view dashboard but when i try to login through domain url https://harbor.xyz.in in browser,it is getting redirected to https://localhost:8443.Any idea how to resolve?'s billing, usage, promotional codes, pricing tiers, etc.


This is a docker forum, which supports docker in general, and not so much the images, but sometimes people are lucky with someone who knows a bit on the application.

With that being said, have you looked into: Harbor docs | Configure HTTPS Access to Harbor ?
and https://goharbor.io/docs/2.10.0/install-config/configure-yml-file/ ?

seems like there are some hostname and https related settings