How do I re-install portainer docker? (to reset my ID and PW)

I made a site with docker very long time ago but I lost the password of portainer. So, I try to re-install to reset my Id and password, but it seems portainer keep containing my previous Id and password. I delete volume but is still not working.
I did like this.

step1. stop and delete container.

$sudo docker ps -a (to check container list)
$sudo docker stop [container ID]
$docker rm -v [container ID]

step2. delete image

$docker images (to check image ID)
$docker rmi [image ID]

step3. delete volume

$docker volume rm portainer_data

step4. re-install portainer

$docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name portainer --restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v/data/portainer/data:/data portainer/portainer

when I try to access to portainer, still asking last ID and password.

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I have the exact same issue, did you find what was causing it?

If you donā€™t hav any mounted directory, then portainer has no way to remember the password or any configuration. If you have a volume or bind mounted directory, you have to delete that. @jjleeon quoted a command with a bind mount. It is not clear to me whether the original container was started using a bind mount or it was just the reinstalling process, but I really donā€™t see any way how Portainer could remember anything if those mounted folders and the volumes are deleted.

What is your situation? Can you provide details?