Is there away to log into host VM’s shell, similarly to how can we easily enter into running containers bash?
docker exec -it <container_id> bash
I accidentally broke one container’s crucial file, so that it couldn’t start. Unfortunately, that container stored it’s data inside. The result was that whenever I tried to run it, it couldn’t start. The only solutions I saw were about navigating to host docker daemon’s files. However, I’m running docker VM on windows, and I cannot access the files inside VM (MobyLinuxVM).
@lpodolak I have the same problem. So the only solution I could find so far is to run a container as the manager (from an ubuntu image), then I mounted the directory /var/lib/docker/aufs from MobyLinuxVM into this container. In this path, I can access the files!. But, honestly, the Image IDs that I see on this path are not the ones I see in “Docker images” command.
This is what I have found so far. I share it with maybe I could be helpful, and if you found something as well please let me know.