I am using Docker Windows on Windows Server 2019 but it seems latest version of Docker don't has support

This question has been asked and answered multiple times over the years. I can’t believe the forum search did not yield any useful topic about this…

You must have stumbled across the system requirements for Docker Desktop for Windows: Install Docker Desktop on Windows | Docker Docs

The absence of an OS in the documentation doesn’t mean they forgot to add it to the list, it means it is not supported.

There is no Docker for Windows Server from Docker Inc… The primary support channels for Docker on Windows Server are Microsoft and the Moby project. Furthermore, there is no Docker for Linux containers available on Windows Server.

You can run Windows Containers on Windows Server though:

If you want to run Linux containers anyway, you could install a Linux VM in Hyper-V and install docker-ce on that Linux VM. Make sure you pick a Linux distribution that is supported by Docker-CE.