I can connect mysql local db

I have two mysql on my computer. I can connect to one but not the other.

I marked the database to which I can connect in green color in the screenshot.
The database I cannot connect to is in red.

I cannot see the port number of the database to which I cannot connect in my Docker panel.


That’s because you didn’t publish a port from the container to the host.

Thank you for your answer. phpMyAdmin application can connect to this database. How can I not connect with Azure Management Studio? I can’t understand. How can I assign a port to this DB?

Please check the links on how to create a container with published ports:

You can not attach a published port to an existing container. It must be removed and re-created with published port.

Once you published the port, you can use Azure Mgmt Studio on the host with localhost:published-host port to reach the container.