I'm building new Boot2Docker installers for OSX and Windows

The OSX one was released yesterday - see

and the Windows one is in final testing - see

The installation of both are more streamlined, and the OSX installer is
signed (the windows signing is in progress)

Both these releases update to

  • Docker 0.11.1
  • Boot2Docker iso 0.9.1
  • Boot2Docker management tool 0.9.2 (the golang version)

Testing and feedback appreciated.

I’ve started using boot2docker v0.12 this morning after switching over to a VMware Fusion ubuntu 13.10 VM a few months ago due to issues in the early days of boot2docker. But those dark days are over it seems as it’s gotten so much better! Installation was very easy (though I had an issue incompatibility with my old ~/.boot2docker/profile but removing it fixed the problem). The boot2docker ip command is great to have! No more port forwarding on my OS X host! I used to have to manually use VBoxManage to create the host-only network and figure out the IP address. Another minor issue I ran into was when I tried to customize my boot2docker config again. I set the Memory to 4096, and kept the other options that boot2docker config generated the same. However, the config it generates causes errors! It doesn’t like the .s in the IP addresses. This is fixed by wrapping the IP addresses in quotes.

I’ll let you know how the rest of my experience goes.

it goes BOOM! and Awesome :smile:

You do need to upgrade to Boot2Docker 1.0.0 though.

super awesome!

I’ll have to checkout the quote thing - its supposed to show them to you as
quotes :confused:

and in a month or 2 we should have fusion support for the manage tool :slight_smile:


I released Boot2Docker 1.1.0 on July 4th 2014

sent to:

sven forums+2e0fdb58547af1d978e69d87bdf1a8fb@docker.com

super awesome!

I’ll have to checkout the quote thing - its supposed to show them to you as
quotes :confused:

and in a month or 2 we should have fusion support for the manage tool :slight_smile:


I release Boot2Docker 1.1.0 on July 4th 2014

sent to:

sven forums+2e0fdb58547af1d978e69d87bdf1a8fb@docker.com

Hi Sven,

Any insight on when Fusion support will be coming? I’m going to upgrade to Fusion 7 and get ready for Yosemite, do I need to get the Pro edition or the standard edition will do?



no, unfortunately, I have not heard any more timeline information from VMWare. perhaps @keeb can help?

super awesome!

I’ll have to checkout the quote thing - its supposed to show them to you as
quotes :confused:

and in a month or 2 we should have fusion support for the manage tool :slight_smile:


I release Boot2Docker 1.1.0 on July 4th 2014

sent to:

sven forums+2e0fdb58547af1d978e69d87bdf1a8fb@docker.com