While trying to install docker in my Windows 10 pro 64 - bit system I am getting the following error:
Unable to create: The execution of the command has stopped because the preference variable “ErrorActionPreference” or the current parameter has the value Stop: Hyper-V has not found any virtual switch with the name “DockerNAT”. to New-Switch, : line 121 at , : line 411 at Docker.Core.Pipe.NamedPipeClient.Send (Action String, Object [] parameters) in C: \ workspaces \ stable-18.09.x \ src \ github .com \ docker \ pinata \ win \ src \ Docker.Core \ pipe \ NamedPipeClient.cs: line 36 at Docker.Actions.DoStart (SynchronizationContext syncCtx, Boolean showWelcomeWindow, Boolean executeAfterStartCleanup) in C: \ workspaces \ stable-18.09.x \ src \ github.com \ docker \ pinata \ win \ src \ Docker.Windows \ Actions.cs: line 92 at Docker.Actions. <> c__DisplayClass19_0. b__0 () in C: \ workspaces \ stable-18.09.x \ src \ github .com \ docker \ pinata \ win \ src \ Docker.Windows \ Actions.cs: line 74 at Docker.WPF.TaskQueue. <> c__DisplayClass19_0. <. ctor> b__1 () in C: \ workspaces \ stable-18.09.x \ src \ github .com \ docker \ pinata \ win \ src \ Docker.WPF \ TaskQueue. cs: line 59
I have tried looking into the logs, but what I found is it’s not able to create the virtual switch for Hyper-V. I have tried the following steps:
- I have tried to create the virtual switch “DockerNAT” manually
- I have reinstalled Hyper-V
- Tried disabling Hyper-V and installed Oracle VM box and tried to do it with it.
- Tried to disable firewall but still doesn’t work
- Tried to disable Wi-fi.
Have anyone faced any similar issues. ?