I want to install docker on my machine with Windows 10 pro 64bit but it doesn’t work.
I install Docker and enable HyperV (with machine reboot).
I try to create a default machine with this command:
docker-machin create --driver hyperv --hyper-virtual-switch DockerNAT default.
Machine start but stuck on message “Waiting for SSH to be available…”
DockerNAT is internal switch, instead i try to create a new Virtual Switch of type External , and use my Internet Ethernet lan Connection(as hd adapter), but when in hyperV Manger configure it, my machine internet connection losts. Why?
I don’t have DHCP on because i have to use a static fixed lan ip on my host.
If you have Docker Desktop installed I don’t understand what you try to achieve with docker-machine. Desktop is a native app, you can use it out of the box.
You are probably following an old tutorial that was made for Docker Toolbox.
ok, listen to me
i have docker windows on
i open cmd shell as administrator grants
C:\WINDOWS\system32>docker info
but i get
unable to resolve docker endpoint: open C:\Users\myUserName\.docker\machine\machines\default\ca.pem: ```
no such file or directory