Kubectl: command not found - Docker desktop Fedora 41

On a new Fedora 41 installation, docker desktop runs fine when I enable kubernetes, it seems that it is going to work, K8S are downloaded but I see no pods runing, here are snapshots

When I switch to terminal and try to run kubectl I get

kubectl: command not found


Am I missing something? Thanks for your help

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What pods do you expect to run? I see the API server on the picture. Also the DNS and storage pod. The kube controller is also there.

The kubectl binary is not automatically packaged with Docker Desktop for Linux. To install the kubectl command for Linux, see Kubernetes documentation. It should be installed at /usr/local/bin/kubectl .

Thanks, this is what I did. But why when installing Docker desktop on windows it is packaged and installed automatically?

I guess so. Otherwise the lack of kubectl would not be highlighted in the guide for Linux. I’m not sure why this is the case. But I guess because there is a bigger chnce that you will already have a kubectl command on Linux so they don’t want to override it. On the other hand, Docker DEsktop could include a kubectl binary not added to the PATH by default. For now, you need to install it. Just make sure you install the kubectl version that matches the Kubernetes version in Docker Desktop.