No live updation in my react vite project

I started learning docker this week. There is no live updation in my react vite project.

changed hello world-> hello docker
in docker latest code but webpage no changes

the code is given below

Your repository is either private, or you linked it wrong

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Thank you so much. It’s public now

Works for me
How are you running your containers?

Here’s what I did:

    image: akshaypmna18/react
    # You should not name your image 'react'
    build: .
      - 5173:5173
      - ./src:/app/src:ro

Then simply run using docker compose up

I see you’re not using Compose, I suggest you start doing so, but if you don’t want to, that’d translate to these CLI commands:

docker build . -t akshaypmna18/react
docker run -p 5173:5173 -v ./src:/app/src:ro akshaypmna18/react
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I’m just a beginner. That is why I couldn’t figure out such small issues.

Anyway Thank you so much deanayalon.

Is there any way we can connect each other.

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