I have a problem with swarm. It says “No such image: alpine:latest”
My step by step actions:
docker-machine create node1
docker-machine create node2
docker-machine ssh node1
docker swarm init
docker swarm init --advertise-addr
inside node2:
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-3lxkdkoowhfb4e6ko2228hw4y34bjb14x3bcx0o6zf494m6fpj-7dkpb466rsbnrifzvk03yvctl
inside node1:
docker service create --replicas 3 alpine ping
then it shows me:
overall progress: 0 out of 3 tasks
1/3: No such image: alpine:latest
2/3: No such image: alpine:latest
3/3: No such image: alpine:latest
blinks for 1 second:
1/3: preparing [=================================> ]
2/3: preparing [=================================> ]
3/3: preparing [=================================> ]
and again “No such image”.
i dont have any problem with internet connection or speed. And if i do control ^ C and
docker service ls
i see 0/3 replicas but image is alpine:latest
I have docker version 18.06.0-ce
I have this issue only inside a node. Outside docker service crate
work fine
Any ideas ?