I am using a windows 10 remote server where me and my team works. We all are administrators on that server and we all are added in docker-users group. I did a setup of one open source tool using docker desktop containers which runs 4 containers on it and all the setup and storage is stored in the root C:/ drive.
Now the problem is when my team logs in to the same server, they do not see the containers that I left running. Neither do they able to see all the data that I generated nor the jobs that I ran.
Another point to highlight is, I am able to see containers , metadata and all the data as usual when I log in to the same server.
Even when the permissions are same, docker-groups is configured and all the setup is done on C:/ drive, my team is not able to access anything.
This is very important and urgent, please provide me what am I missing?
Thank you for your valuable help in advance.