I’d like to introduce to you Portainer (http://portainer.io): a lightweight and easy to use management UI for Docker.
It allows you to manage your containers, images, volumes and networks on any Docker host or Swarm cluster.
It can be ran on both Docker for Linux and Docker for Windows ! A demo is available at http://demo.portainer.io (use the credentials demo / tryportainer).
Thanks. It really is a very useful UI. it started without any issue. All I had to do was to execute the following command on my swarm manager:
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name portainer portainer/portainer --swarm
Very easy to run and use
Would be great if one could see stats, logs and connect to the console of all swarm services running on all nodes cluster-wide
I find this article at midnight. I don’t go to sleep because the UI is very cool, do not waiting to in the morning to show off with colleagues in my company
I would like to server portainer docker container on a virtual path , maybe /portainer. How can I do it. Right now it listens directly on the exposed port
Portainer is great, I recently ran it against our swarms with >100 containers each - worked flawlessly!
PS: We created our swarm with standard docker tools with our own toolbelt called https://github.com/dmstr/docker-roj - it’s just a containerized environment for docker, compose and machine.