Proxy for Docker Hub pulls

We’re using Docker Hub for automated builds and that’s grand. However, we’re based out of Sydney and despite a high speed internet connection it can be painful to keep pulling images out of New York. Even with a decent cache in the local dockerhost every developer in the office is downloading gigabytes of images from Docker Hub.

Is there anyway to proxy tagged images into a local registry?

Hunting about the only thing I can find is talk of a “registry mirror”:

But the latest documentation suggests this is no longer an option:

Run a local registry mirror
The orginal content was deprecated. An archived version is available in the 1.7 documentation. For information about configuring mirrors with the latest Docker Registry version, please file a support request with the Distribution project.

Any help much appreciated.

The docs for doing it with the distribution (v2) registry can be found in the repo:

I followed those instructions a few weeks ago to set that up on my home network, and it works fairly well.

It isn’t a true mirror, but a caching proxy.


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