Pull access denied for ngix

When I run docker pull ngix, I get an error:

$ docker pull ngix
Using default tag: latest
Error response from daemon: pull access denied for ngix, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login'

I can pull other images (alpine, postgresql) from the library without problems. Hello world and other containers work well.

Ubuntu 17.10
Docker version 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6

Best regards,

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Hi Jonas,

What is ngix? Don’t you mean nginx?


Hi! Thanks! I cant believe that I spent half an hour with this… of course I mean nginx! Now it works. :roll_eyes:

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Two years later and I’ve made the exact same mistake! (slightly different typo). Luckily I only spent 15 minutes as I was able to google and find this post :sweat_smile:


JESUS, its May 2020: i’ve just made the SAME mistake

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Even I made the same mistake!!

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2022, Same Mistake :+1:

May 2022 same mistake !


Haha I spelt it ngnix

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Same here :crazy_face: It only took me half an hour to realise my mistake :sob:

Same here … :sweat_smile: I spelt nignx. I took one hour to google for this error