Question about Docker for Azure with Windows Server/Hyper-V Containers

Not sure if this the right place to ask a question, but here go’s.

I’m currently researching the possibilities for .NET applications and Docker (on Windows/Azure) and Octopus Deploy (which has alpha functionality for Docker containers according to the Octopus site).

I’ve implemented Docker for Azure a while ago and noticed that it runs Linux (containerd) applications but not Windows (containerd) applications.

Is there a way to make Docker for Azure work with Windows Containers? I can’t seem to find alot of documentation about the subject.If not, when can such features be expected, IF they are to be expected.
These pages told me that it is not yet possbile to run Hyper-V containers (if this isn’t true, please tell), so my Windows 10 system will have to make way for a Windows Server 2016 system or VM for this time being I’m afraid.

Thanks for reading.

@ajm94docker We do have plans to introduce Windows Server based Docker4Azure templates to deploy Docker swarms comprising of Windows hosts in our roadmap. We don’t have a firm date on when we will have that ready at the moment. Will post here when we are in a position to launch Betas for Docker4Azure based on Windows Server. I don’t think it will be possible to deploy Hyper-V containers on Azure until Azure can support nested virtualization (i.e. Hyper-V on top of Azure’s hypervisor).

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@ddebroy Thanks for reacting! Seems I’m ‘stuck’ to using a Windows Server 2016 VM on Azure for now. Just read that the Azure Container Service don’t yet support Docker Swarm and Windows Containers :frowning:

*In Dutch
"Ondersteuning voor Windows-containers bevindt zich voor Kubernetes-clusters nog in de preview-fase. Op DC/OS- en Swarm-clusters worden momenteel alleen Linux-agents ondersteund in Azure-Container Service."

I’m guessing that there isn’t a firm date for these functionalities to come too?