i’m new to Docker and i’m still walking through the ‘Get Started’ article. So far, Docker for Windows is installed and Kubernetes is running. At the point to enable Docker swarm i ran into some issues because Docker asked some unexpected questions to me.
I execute the command ‘docker swarm init’ and i receive following:
Reading the CLI reference shows up the opportunity to bind an adapter. So i ran this command:
“docker swarm init --advertise-addr WLAN”
Running the command ‘docker service create --name demo alpine:3.5 ping’ as a test afterwards, it says: “1/1 no suitable node (unsupported platform on 1 node)”
Is it safe to asume that “WLAN” actualy is a placeholder for the ip of the network adapter? Make sure to use a fixed ip. Swarm doesn’t realy like it, if the ip of nodes change…