Unable to install docker desktop on windows 10 home

im trying to install docker for windows on my pc. but im getting the following error

Docker for Windows requires Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise version 14393 to run



“Docker for windows” will not run on Windows 10 Home, because it dosnt support Hyper-V
So, for you to have docker, you need to get Docker Toolbox

I am having the same issue @terpz. Do I also need to install the Virtual Box separately? or I only install the Docker Toolbox? Thanks

@shabberabbas Docker Toolbox is the complete package :slight_smile:

Thanks @terpz but I am facing issue in this

After installing toolbox. When i try to open Docker Quickstart Terminal it gives error

Looks like something went wrong in step ´Looking for vboxmanage.exe´… Press any key to continue…

Try and reinstall, and in the installer, try and tick:

install VirtualBox with the NDIS5 driver