Can I run Docker for Windows on Windows 10 Home with Hyper-V support?


I started learning Docker today, and downloaded Docker for Windows but I got an error during the installation process that said -

Installation failed: one prerequisite is not fulfilled
Docker for Windows requires Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise version 14393, or Windows server 2016 RTM to run

I then researched online that Docker for Windows runs only on Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise machines as they have Hyper-V support. The recommended solution for older machines is to install Docker Toolbox.

When I tried to install Docker Toolbox, I got this error -

Running pre-create checks…
Error with pre-create check: “This computer doesn’t have VT-X/AMD-v enabled. Enabling it in the BIOS is mandatory”
Looks like something went wrong in step ´Checking if machine default exists´… Press any key to continue…

So, turns out if the machine supports virtualization, it needs to be enabled in BIOS manually if it’s disabled.

So I went to the task manager to see if virtualization was supported, and it was. While virtualization was currently “disabled”, it did say “Hyper-V” was supported too -

Virtualization: Disabled
Hyper-V support: Yes

Since Hyper-V is supported, is there any way I can install Docker for Windows, even though my machine is Windows 10 Home?

Hey @lasciviousgrace

Docker’s Docker for Windows documentation states that the Hyper-V role is required in order to use Docker for Windows. In addition, Microsoft’s Hyper-V documentation, states the Windows 10 Home SKU is not elieble to enable the Hyper-V role. If you upgrade to Pro you’ll be able to do this without issue.

Alternatively, use Docker Toolbox.

what i get from your statement is that mist likely you have to enable the Virtualisation Support in your BIOS.

The name for the Vierualisation differs depending on your OEM but normally you find it under Advanced Settings (or similar).

I’m bumping this because I’m also on windows 10 home and I noticed my system performance monitor said Hyper-V was supported and virtualization was disabled. So I went into my BIOS and turned on virtualization, so now I should have everything needed for Docker Desktop to run but of course it doesn’t install because it checks for certain windows versions only.

Did a recent update to windows 10 home open up these features and the Docker team needs to update the installer?