Unable to install Docker Desktop v4.36 - Component Docker.Installer.EnableFeaturesAction failed

Hey guys,

I’m also with the same problem.

Actually, I was using Docker Desktop without any problem.
Someday, it just stopped to turn on and I was forced to try a re-installation.

I’m just no able to re-install it…

I already have cleaned all folders related to Docker and I also have tried a Powershell Install with no success.

[2024-12-16T18:15:37.475384800Z][ManifestAndExistingInstallationLoader][I] No install path specified, looking for default installation registry key
[2024-12-16T18:15:37.475384800Z][Installer][I] No installation found
[2024-12-16T18:15:37.683308500Z][InstallWorkflow][I] Using package: res:DockerDesktop
[2024-12-16T18:15:37.683308500Z][InstallWorkflow][I] Downloading
[2024-12-16T18:15:39.687801200Z][InstallWorkflow][I] Extracting manifest
[2024-12-16T18:36:54.053329700Z][InstallWorkflow][I] Manifest found: version=175267, displayVersion=4.36.0, channelUrl=https://desktop-stage.docker.com/win/main/amd64/appcast.xml
[2024-12-16T18:45:02.507831000Z][InstallWorkflow][I] Checking prerequisites
[2024-12-16T19:06:59.092652700Z][InstallWorkflow][I] Prompting for optional features
[2024-12-16T19:08:54.039378700Z][InstallWorkflow][I] Selected backend mode: wsl-2
[2024-12-16T19:08:54.040380600Z][InstallWorkflow][I] Unpacking artifacts
[2024-12-16T19:11:38.005454000Z][InstallWorkflow][I] Deploying component Docker.Installer.CreateGroupAction
[2024-12-16T19:11:45.092872300Z][InstallWorkflow][I] Deploying component Docker.Installer.AddToGroupAction
[2024-12-16T19:11:51.890802200Z][InstallWorkflow][I] Deploying component Docker.Installer.EnableFeaturesAction
[2024-12-16T19:11:51.921387000Z][InstallWorkflow-EnableFeaturesAction][I] Required features: VirtualMachinePlatform, Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
[2024-12-16T19:34:09.176643400Z][InstallWorkflow][E] Installation failed System.Exception: Component Docker.Installer.EnableFeaturesAction failed: Chamada cancelada  ---> System.Management.ManagementException: Chamada cancelada
   em System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
   em System.Management.ManagementObjectCollection.ManagementObjectEnumerator.MoveNext()
   em System.Linq.Enumerable.<CastIterator>d__97`1.MoveNext()
   em System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
   em System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.MoveNext()
   em System.Linq.Enumerable.Any[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   em Docker.Installer.EnableFeaturesAction.GetFeaturesToEnable()
   em Docker.Installer.EnableFeaturesAction.<DoAsync>d__45.MoveNext()
--- Fim do rastreamento de pilha do local anterior onde a exceção foi gerada ---
   em System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   em Docker.Installer.InstallWorkflow.<DoHandleD4WPackageAsync>d__30.MoveNext()
   --- Fim do rastreamento de pilha de exceções internas ---
   em Docker.Installer.InstallWorkflow.<DoHandleD4WPackageAsync>d__30.MoveNext()
--- Fim do rastreamento de pilha do local anterior onde a exceção foi gerada ---
   em System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   em System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   em Docker.Installer.InstallWorkflow.<DoProcessAsync>d__23.MoveNext()
[2024-12-16T19:34:09.181646800Z][InstallWorkflow][I] Rollbacking component Docker.Installer.AddToGroupAction
[2024-12-16T19:34:09.183644100Z][InstallWorkflow][I] Rollbacking component Docker.Installer.CreateGroupAction
[2024-12-16T19:34:09.185313400Z][InstallWorkflow][I] Rollbacking component Docker.Installer.UnpackArtifactsStep
[2024-12-16T19:34:09.194831100Z][FileSystem][I] Deleting C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker
[2024-12-16T19:34:09.500862300Z][FileSystem][I] Deleted C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker successfully
[2024-12-16T19:34:09.500862300Z][InstallWorkflow][I] Rollbacking component Docker.Installer.ExtractManifestStep
[2024-12-16T19:34:09.501832400Z][InstallWorkflow][I] Rollbacking component Docker.Installer.DownloadStep

Note the time it took to just give me an error…

I moved your question to a separate topic as it looks like a diffeerent issue. I’m also goind to rename the other topic later (probably this one again too as I realized “no installation found” is not an error message).

So where did you get the installer? I don’t think you should see desktop-stage in the log.

It also says

Component Docker.Installer.EnableFeaturesAction failed

You wrote it worked before until it didn’t, but it looks like it tries to enable a feature. Are you sure no required feature was accidentally disabled on Windows? And Which Windows version do you have?

Hello rimelek,

I’ve downloaded the installer from Docker Official Site. Instead of execute double-clicking, I used the PowerShell.

I edited my post when you already started your reply. Can you share your Windows version too?
In the meantime I will try to find out why you see desktop-stage as the URL refers to a release which is not even out, while there is another “desktop” URL without “stage” that shows the correct latest versions.

When you say, official site, can you share the exact link what you mean? There are multiple pages in the documentation and on the main page of Docker where you can download a release.

Have you solved it?

By the way the build number in your log seems to be correct, but it was confirmed that the URL should not be desktop-stage. One possibly reason why you have that if you once used an installer shared by Docker in a GitHub issue for example to test a fixed version. Do you remember that? It would still not explain why you can’t install Docker Desktop again, but it would prove that you still have something from previous installations and you could try to delete everything before trying to reinstall it.

Hi, I am facing this error with every version of Docker. I was using 4.32 and I was prompted for update. The 4.32 version was removed but I am not even able to install this version. I tried 4.37.1, 4.35 and 4.32 but no luck with this

Have you ever removed the .docker folder in your user’s “home” (userprofile) folder? That can often help.

Tried removing it, still the same

It seems the typical reason for a failed Docker Desktop installation seems to be an inconsistent WMI Repository (=it’s a part of Windows itself).

I gathered everything I found in this post:

I hope this is the case, becaus I have no new ideas, but

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