Expected behavior
Docker correctly started
Actual behavior
Failed to start
- a reproducible case if this is a bug
- host distribution and version : Windows 10 Enterprise (10586)
Steps to reproduce the behavior
- Start docker
[15:27:02.015][Program ][Info ] Version 1.11.2-beta15 (build: 4450)
[15:27:02.016][Program ][Info ] Starting on: 14-Jun-16 15:27:02
[15:27:02.017][Program ][Info ] Resources: C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources
[15:27:02.017][Program ][Info ] OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
[15:27:02.018][Program ][Info ] Edition: Enterprise
[15:27:02.018][Program ][Info ] Id: 1511
[15:27:02.018][Program ][Info ] Build: 10586
[15:27:02.018][Program ][Info ] BuildLabName: 10586.306.amd64fre.th2_release_sec.160422-1850
[15:27:02.020][Program ][Info ] Mixpanel Id: 3e808312-5818-4ab6-943b-4a8d5b5225a4
[15:27:02.020][Program ][Info ] Sha1: a513059b802e37621c4ef5113f29050d2ca39a43
[15:27:02.021][Program ][Info ] You can send feedback, including this log file, at https://forums.docker.com/c/docker-for-windows
[15:27:02.133][Mixpanel ][Info ] Tracking: appLaunched
[15:27:02.409][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending Version()…
[15:27:02.412][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for Version
[15:27:02.414][Mixpanel ][Info ] Tracking: heartbeat
[15:27:02.411][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Version done.
[15:27:02.531][Authentication ][Info ] Checking token
[15:27:02.905][Authentication ][Info ] Token is valid
[15:27:03.029][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending Stop()…
[15:27:03.029][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Stop()
[15:27:03.030][HyperV ][Info ] Stop
[15:27:03.030][Updater ][Info ] Checking for updates on channel Beta…
[15:27:03.034][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script with parameters: -Stop True…
[15:27:03.220][Updater ][Info ] Local build 4450 is as good as the remote 4450 on channel Beta
[15:27:03.678][HyperV ][Info ] Kill VM MobyLinuxVM…
[15:27:03.710][HyperV ][Info ] VM MobyLinuxVM is stopped
[15:27:03.717][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for Stop
[15:27:03.716][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Stop done.
[15:27:03.717][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending Start(Docker.Core.Settings)…
[15:27:03.718][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Start(Docker.Core.Settings)
[15:27:03.719][HyperVGuids ][Info ] Installing GUIDs…
[15:27:03.719][HyperVGuids ][Info ] GUIDs installed
[15:27:03.719][Firewall ][Info ] Opening ports for C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\com.docker.proxy.exe…
[15:27:04.641][Firewall ][Info ] Ports are opened
[15:27:04.643][HyperV ][Info ] Create
[15:27:04.643][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script with parameters: -Create True -SwitchSubnetAddress -SwitchSubnetMaskSize 24 -CPUs 2 -Memory 2048 -IsoFile C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\mobylinux.iso…
[15:27:05.229][HyperV ][Info ] Using existing Switch: DockerNAT
[15:27:05.396][NamedPipeServer][Error ] Unable to execute Start: Failed to create Switch “DockerNAT”: Cannot validate argument on parameter ‘InterfaceAlias’. The argument is null. Provide a valid value for the argument, and then try running the command again. at System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.ThrowInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
at System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.EnterTryCatchFinallyInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
[15:27:05.400][NamedPipeClient][Error ] Unable to send Start: Failed to create Switch “DockerNAT”: Cannot validate argument on parameter ‘InterfaceAlias’. The argument is null. Provide a valid value for the argument, and then try running the command again.
[15:27:05.402][Notifications ][Error ] Failed to create Switch “DockerNAT”: Cannot validate argument on parameter ‘InterfaceAlias’. The argument is null. Provide a valid value for the argument, and then try running the command again.
[15:27:05.403][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending GetDebugInfo()…
[15:27:05.403][NamedPipeServer][Info ] GetDebugInfo()
[15:27:11.999][NamedPipeServer][Info ] GetDebugInfo done.
[15:27:12.002][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for GetDebugInfo
[15:27:12.013][Program ][Info ] Sending Bugsnag report 0fd4035c-e8d4-4828-a8c3-c17746acdbc3…
[15:27:13.606][Program ][Info ] Bugsnag report 0fd4035c-e8d4-4828-a8c3-c17746acdbc3 sent
[15:27:13.612][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending DownloadVmLogs()…
[15:27:13.612][NamedPipeServer][Info ] DownloadVmLogs()
[15:27:13.613][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[15:27:13.684][HyperV ][Warning] Unable to download logs: 2016/06/14 15:27:13 Failed to Dial 0d1dfe3c-89ac-4bfa-b703-59abd8c83a92 445ba2cb-e69b-4912-8b42-d7f494d007ea : An invalid argument was supplied.
[15:27:13.685][NamedPipeServer][Info ] DownloadVmLogs done.
[15:27:13.685][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for DownloadVmLogs
[15:27:37.327][FeedbackSettings][Info ] Open logs