Unable to upgrade plan

I understand you can’t respond to individual tickets, but would you please update this thread once resolved? Thanks!

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Could you please link the status page or tickets you are referring to?

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Yes, certainly. Either myself or another member of the Docker team will update this thread.

The Docker status page is at https://status.docker.com/

You can subscribe to the service for notification from that page, if you like, for this incident, or future ones.

Hi, all,

The Hub engineering team identified an issue with our backend systems, and has updated those systems. Our test plan so far indicates normal operations for billing and plan changes on the Hub. The team is monitoring the system for any related functional problems.

We have also updated the https://status.docker.com/ pages, and sent notices to any subscribers to that page; we have moved the incident to “Monitoring”.

Thanks, all!


Thank you. I was able to successfully upgrade my organization without error.

We are currently (Oct 24th, 2019) unable to upgrade our plan as well due to this same error in the response: “No organization found with id: null and the user is associated with more than one organization - please specify a valid organization id”. The UI tells me that there is a problem with the Credit Card, but it appears to be a generic error. I have a message into support as well, but am posting this here in case others search for this error and come across this thread as well.

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Same error here, wish they can fix it soon

We’re getting a slightly different message; “Add payment method failed. Please check the card information is correct or try another one.” with basically any card/brand we try.

Since Docker is being unresponsive and didn’t take a blocking issue seriously, we decided to move out from docker. Especially this issue is not the first time shows up but as a persist problem, they should move much more faster.

Hi, unable to buy upgraded Plan… WTF?! Possibility of payment is usually basic functionality in any organisation. What is wrong with your dev team…

Same problem here …

Same issue. How can I pay/upgrade…

Same issue over here. Wrote to support but no response. We are in a hurry to start migrating our containers to a company owned account and we need to upgrade this account’s billing plan. Our development is completely halted because of this.

We will wait until monday morning. If this issue is not resolved, we are moving our business to quay.io

We identified and fixed a configuration problem which could be causing this. Please post here if still has problem adding credit card. We will work with our billing vendor to resolve problems.

We have been paying customers for years. Today I just noticed that our Repository Plan was back to using 10 of 1 private repositories. I tried to upgrade and nothing happened. Now I see that I’ve been charged 3 times and I’m still stuck at 1 private repo. Please help!

I selected the annual subscription by mistake when paying for the Docker subscription. I want to switch to a monthly subscription, but as long as I don’t pay the annual bill, I can’t proceed with the monthly bill either. Every time I submit my billing information, it shows:

“There was an error updating your profile.”