Where are the files kept in cloudstor in docker for azure?

I didn’t see files in the storage account that have been shared by cloudstor in azure portal. But when I access the container and created some files, they have been seen by each container but not in the azure portal (in the storage account). If I create some files and upload into the azure portal, the container doesn’t see those file too. It looks like they are not connected. How can I browse for those files. Thank you.

Hi @torsakch

The Cloudstor volumes are backed by FileStorage shares within one of the five storage accounts created by the Docker4Azure ARM template. You can identify the specific storage account used by Cloudstor using the following command from any docker node:
docker plugin inspect cloudstor:azure | grep AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=

Once you have the Storage Account used by Cloudstor, you can enumerate the FileStorage shares in it through the Azure portal. As explained at https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-azure/persistent-data-volumes/#volume-options, the default name used for the shares is the md5 hash of the volume name specified. If the optional share parameter was specified, that is used instead.

The files in the docker volumes are mapped to files within the FileStorage shares corresponding to the docker volumes. Having said all this, please note the above is an internal implementation detail and may change in the future. So we are not documenting this for now.

I read the documentation for Docker for Azure Cloudstore from that link but it didn’t mention a way to create a volume using docker volume create. The AWS page has an example but not the Azure page. The reason I need this is because I need to create a share in docker then upload files to that share before launching the container.

this command doesn’t work:

docker plugin install cloudstor:azure

The page referenced https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-azure/persistent-data-volumes/#volume-options
doesn’t exist! … no bueno.