I’m running Windows Server 2016 Datacenter on OS Version 10.0.14393 N/A Build 14393
I’ve got Docker version 16.06.2-ee-6 installed on a trial license. Docker is installed and I can run the hello-world container just fine.The networking stack on my host looks like this:
Configuration for interface "vEthernet (HNS Internal NIC)"
DHCP enabled: Yes
IP Address:
Subnet Prefix: (mask
InterfaceMetric: 15
DNS servers configured through DHCP: None
Register with which suffix: Primary only
WINS servers configured through DHCP: None
Configuration for interface "Ethernet0"
DHCP enabled: No
IP Address: < static ip>
Subnet Prefix: <removed ip prefix> (mask
Default Gateway: < default gateway >
Gateway Metric: 1
InterfaceMetric: 25
Statically Configured DNS Servers: <dns1>
Register with which suffix: Primary only
Statically Configured WINS Servers: None
Configuration for interface "Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1"
DHCP enabled: No
IP Address:
Subnet Prefix: (mask
InterfaceMetric: 75
Statically Configured DNS Servers: None
Register with which suffix: Primary only
Statically Configured WINS Servers: None
Overall a pretty standard networking config. As soon as I try to create a new swarm, I lose all connectivity to the host. It took about an hour of troubleshooting to figure out why this was happening, but here’s the behavior.
- With a static IP and a default Docker installation, I type
docker swarm init
- Almost immediately I lose all connectivity to the system via the DNS name/Static IP
- From a console, I can see that I get a message saying the swarm was configured.
If I view my networking details, the previous Static IP config is now gone and has been replaced with a DHCP address on a new adapter named “vEthernet (HNSTransparent)”:
Configuration for interface "vEthernet (HNSTransparent)"
DHCP enabled: Yes
IP Address: < new DHCP address>
Subnet Prefix: <removed ip prefix> (mask
Default Gateway: < default gateway >
Gateway Metric: 1
InterfaceMetric: 25
DNS servers configured through DHCP: <dns1>
Register with which suffix: Primary only
WINS servers confgiured through DHCP: None
Configuration for interface "Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1"
DHCP enabled: No
IP Address:
Subnet Prefix: (mask
InterfaceMetric: 75
Statically Configured DNS Servers: None
Register with which suffix: Primary only
WINS servers confgiured through DHCP: None
If I manually use netsh to reconfigure the static IP on this new interface back to the original Static IP, I can get the node to join the swarm.
But what/why is this new interface being created and using a completely separate IP DHCP address?