"Access denied" error when logging in to Docker Desktop for MacoS - Works on docker website

same issue here, running windows server 2019 10.0.17763, on restart after docker hub install i was notified that the windows build was deprecated and I would not be able to update to the latest docker version due to OS, OS is still in microsoft support so figure this is issue with docker hub rather than OS.

So the trick here is to use your Personal Access Token as your password, not as your 2FA verfication. I was getting the same error as you, but using the token instead of my password logged me on without issue.

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Yeah. It works! Thanks so much for this.

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I have the same issue. Running Docker Desktop 4.0.0(67817) on Windows 10 (WSL 2). “Access Denied” when attempting to login from Docker Desktop using 2FA. No issues logging in from the Web.
If I disable or delete my Access Token within Docker Hub then I can successfully use the 2FA token from Docker Desktop!!

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This didn’t work for me, but I noticed when I went to my tokens page I had “2 of 1 token active” (presumably because of some of the recent license changes…). When I deleted one I was then able to log in with the other :man_facepalming:

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