Hi. I’m not new to Docker and I wanted to discuss an issue I’ve been having with finding information about configuration in compose. When I’m faced with an issue, I am always going to take it to the source to find out as much information as I can about it. This occurs with Docker from time to time, but I always leave feeling a bit unsatisfied with the amount of information I’m getting.
I recently updated a Docker service via it’s compose file. I needed to change the deployment configuration concerning restart policy, specifically the “window” value. In the Docker compose docs there’s an example and an explanation of the configuration. In my case I used “window: 120s”
condition: any
delay: 10s
max_attempts: 7
window: 120s
I trusted that this was the correct way to do it and moved on to a lower environment deployment. When I inspect the service in UCP this is the information I get.
My window time has gone from seconds to nano seconds. UCP does give time increments in their form fields, like here in “Update Delay (Seconds)”.
When I first saw the nanosecond read out I thought I had done something incorrectly so I went back to the documentation to see if I can store the time value as nanoseconds. I couldn’t find that information.
This is a simple and seemingly uneventful example, but I need someone/the community to understand the difficulties I have like this with the Docker docs. Am I missing something?
Where is the compose documentation that has a table with every possible configuration key and it’s associated acceptable values? I’m looking more for Javadoc like documentation, something that strays away from example and just gives you the facts. I can find the examples elsewhere.
Thanks for getting this far.