Can't share data across a simple network share or mapped drive?

Just to confirm… Is there no way to share data between a docker container and a common network share elsewhere on the network?

I’ve tried two approaches:

CASE #1: Container mounting network share:

I tried the following from a container: ‘net use v: \\temp’ where ‘temp’ is a shared folder on a remote computer with Full Control granted to Everyone. The result is:

[f8c3596f749c…]: PS C:> net use v: \\temp
The password is invalid for \\temp.

net : System error 1223 has occurred.
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (System error 1223 has occurred.:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

The operation was canceled by the user.
Enter the user name for ‘’:
[f8c3596f749c…]: PS C:>

Not sure why it would be asking for a username or password but in any case, it gives me opportunity to enter one.

The discussion at indicates that a container is incapable of accessing a simple network share and there’s no intention of fixing this bug. Can this be true?

CASE #2: Mounting the share at startup:

I tried the following from the Win2016 Docker host:

docker run -d --name festus --hostname festus -v v::v:\ modified-iis

where the v: drive is a fully functioning mapped drive on the host. The target of that map is once again \\temp. It was created successfully via ‘net use’

In this case the result is:

C:\Program Files\Docker\docker.exe: Error response from daemon: invalid bind mount spec “v:/:v:/”: invalid volume specification: ‘v:/:v:/’: invalid mount config for type “bind”: bind source path does not exist.
See ‘C:\Program Files\Docker\docker.exe run --help’.

I found a reference to the problem at but no comments.

Bottom line is: If I can’t even read .txt files across a simple network share, the whole container concept is pretty much useless to me. Please tell me I’m wrong here.

I have no idea why the forum software inserted a bunch of sign-language symbols into my examples and copy/paste content. Hopefully you can still get the gist.