Deploying a Nginx Service in a windows 2016 1709 Swarm. 2016 workers and Managers

Hi all,

Question for the brave :slight_smile: I have build a Docker swarm Cluster with 2 workers and 2 managers.

All the servers are running windows 2016 1709 containers editions, and all have the Preview edition of Docker installed.

1 manager and 1 worker have had the ENV config setup so they can host and run Linux containers and both test via a Docker Pull and run of Nginx. Both worked fine, Manager drained after test.

ENV setting: [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable(“LCOW_SUPPORTED”, “1”, “Machine”)

I am now trying to deploy a service for Nginx but it always hang on the deploy task and never completes. when i Ctrl C the session i can see a service but of course its not running, I know i could just build a hybrid swarm of Linux and window hosts but I am looking at features and viability of the windows stack and swarm. to be fair I have not tried a windows payload but I am sure its going to take some tweaking as its going to be running in isolation=hyperv.

what i have found so far is that i can not run windows and linux containers on the same host and a manager once set to the Linux ENV will not deploy any windows images.< found out the hard way after burning days.

and if I read one more windows 10 documented as a windows 2016 server guide i am going to cry. “What no GUI” but its labeled a server guide :slight_smile:

Anyway I am looking for a suggestion on how to progress as i am stuck and unable to push a service via the Linux manager as I have called it.

kind regards Hicklin