Expected behavior
Attempting to deploy Docker CE for Azure by following the instructions in "Docker for Azure setup & prerequisites" page should deploy the necessary infrastructure and configure swarm mode in Azure.
Actual behavior
Upon clicking "Purchase" in the custom template, the validation step fails with the below error:
“Offer with PublisherId: docker and OfferId: docker-ce-basic not found”
Additional Information
Error screenshot is attached.
Steps to reproduce the behavior
- a) From the link (https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-azure/#docker-community-edition-ce-for-azure), click on “Deploy Docker Community Edition (CE) for Azure (stable)” which should log you in to Azure Portal and launches the template.
- b) Complete the form (tested with 1 worker and manager count; 3 worker and manager count; both exhibit the same problem)
- c) When I say “Purchase”, it performs validations and they fail. Validation failure is in the screenshot error.png.
- d) When I check the External Services, I see the status for ‘Docker for Azure CE Image’ shows as ‘Canceled’.
Can you please let me know how I can bypass these issues so that I can proceed with the swarm-mode.
Thanks & Regards,