Docker Desktop 4.38.0 Still Flagged as Malware

I just updated my MacOS to the latest patch 15.3 that Apple released.

BEFORE doing so I had already updated Docker Desktop to version 4.37.2 as recommended.

Now when I reboot my Mac I get the Docker detected as Malware issue.

I found there is a newer version 4.38.0 of Docker Desktop and have updated to that.

When i reboot I still get the error.

I can run Docker Desktop and it seems to operate ok.

I also found the post that talks about using the shell script to check the signing. i ran that and without any parameters is says the signing is good.

When I run it with the parameters for the first file indicated it says it can’t find that file.

Please advise…

After Docker fixed the bug, in all the cases until now the problem was that the users missed something in the guide in the documentation:

So double check you run every step in the script. I think most of the time the problem was not executing the last two lines after the “Install new binaries” comment, but it could be anything else.

You were right. The last 2 were probably it. All seems well now.

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