It seems you are using and old Docker Desktop. I don’t know why you have this error, but you should update to a new version unless your macOS is old as well and new Docker Desktop doesn’t support it.
My virtual disk limit is 64 GB, but I see 178MB / 17 GB used on the images tab. I don’t actually know what that 17GB is so I don’t know how correct the usage statistics on your machine is, but if the error happaned when you tried to build an image, that build process probably generated data that requires more space than you have. When the build fails, temporary containers can be removed so you will not know about it.
I deleted a part of your last post which was not related to the original issue. Please, open a new topic for new issues so other users can find relevant topics by looking at the topic title. Also note that when the question is about the programming language only, it is better to ask a question on a forum where you can find more people using that language.